Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Peace and Quiet

~After running a mile in the hot humidity of Texas, it was nice to turn around and see this. Therefore, the title, I felt much better seeing this. I forgot all about the pounding in my chest, and miraculously I was able to hold my camera still enough (hopefully?) to take this pic. I'm venturing out a little bit- or trying to; but hey, it's a start!


Steve Moraco said...

Wow, beautiful sunset! I suppose every location has it's own unique sunset. My favorite is colorado's but kansas' was amazing, you could see the sun get so red and huge as it went toward the horizon. Texas sunsets look ok i guess, but their not big enough. Isn't everything supposed to be bigger in texas?

Steph said...

~Haha, you'd think so...But remember- this is where God sat to make Colorado- so He had more time to paint your sunsets...Oh well- I get what I get and I don't throw a fit.

Anonymous said...

Awwww it's so pretty. I love sunsets. They're my favorite. Beautiful job darlin. :)